When do we recommend the first visit with the pediatric dentist?

We recommend the first visit around one year of age, when the first milk teeth have already erupted. During this first visit, we give guidelines to parents on how to maintain good oral health and hygiene of the baby's teeth. It is very important to carry out periodic checks in order to prevent caries or other pathologies in the future. In this way we also achieve a routine so that the child becomes familiar with us and loses the anxiety of coming to the dentist.

Clínica Dental Barroso Girona

What types of treatments are the most common?

Caries removal

The difference between adult dentistry and pediatric dentistry is that children's cavities are treated in baby teeth instead of permanent teeth. The permanent teeth are formed under the roots of the baby teeth and any infection in the baby tooth can affect the permanent one. Caries removal involves removing the affected tooth structure and filling the defect with a white resin material.


It is the removal of the part of the affected nerve in cases where the decay is very deep and has affected the dental nerve. It is then replaced by a biocompatible material.

Trauma reconstructions

It is about repairing with a white resin material fractured teeth due to falls, impacts or blows.

Prophylaxis and fluoride

It consists of applying fluoride to the teeth in order to increase the strength of the enamel and remineralize it. The application of fluoride periodically helps to prevent the appearance of caries.

Extractions and space maintainers

It is possible to lose a baby tooth prematurely or that its extraction is necessary. In these cases, a space maintainer is usually used to save the resulting space, with the aim that the permanent tooth can erupt properly in its place.


They serve to protect the teeth of boys and girls who carry out sporting activities with risk of suffering any type of dental trauma.